Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Mother

She wants to go out and buy some nice candles.
Guess why?
In case she dies, she'd like equal candles for her funeral and we might not have the time to go out and buy some once she's dead.
You need to have the funeral immediately, she informs me.
"Aren't you being a little premature?" I want to know.
"Oh!I'm not going to die." she exclaims.
Turns out she's taken out a whole life policy and is planning on waiting for it to mature before she knocks off. However, you never know what God's plans are and hence, the candles.
Also, a note to my sister Jo who is the beneficiary of the above mentioned policy.
That money is for funeral expenses. That's right. The remaining, after that, is for you.
My Father's got one too.

Category 1: My mother.
Category 2: Planning ahead?

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