Sunday, August 01, 2004

why simplify, when it's so much easier to just complicate things

i wonder someimes what exactly i'm doing?! i behave a certain way.and if i'm not mistaken i think there' this sub concious being inside of me who's trying really hard get me ocstracized from polite society.[ok not polite society in the traditional sense of the word, i don't really care about that.but polite society in my sense of the word yikes! as if i don't have enough trouble tyring to pass off as socially it is.i've made myself a performing monkey [uh , i really wouldn't go that far:)], of myself without even realising it. it's like what emmanuel was saying today.writing for yourself [the real writing] and writing for an audience..knowing that somebody is going to read your work,wondering if they'll like it..i guess that would apply to life too.i could behave a certain way ,just because i think someone is watching...aah..but no, i think i'd fit in better with the reverse psychology in the situation.i think i should realise that someone IS watching and therefore i should NOT behave a certain way ...aarrgh.stupid sentences...looks like my new favourite doctrine is 'why simplify, when it's so much easier to just complicate things'


Kanwar Oberoi said...

Awesome post. Thanks for making my day !

Syed Siddique Sharaf said...

writing diary seems to be safe enough ... at least like a mirror of oneself... offcourse a private one, unlike blogs

Citrus said...

huh?! and your point is?

Syed Siddique Sharaf said...

now, I seriously don't remember the point , if any.