Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Goodies, Cheer and What not

So Sneha's [My Born Again Believer roomate/Landlady] church, girls youth, is going carol singing this pre Christmas weekend and as usual they're forcing the girls [ie. Me] to cook some Christmas delights that they intend to unleash on the unsuspecting. In, mind you, exchange for moolah. It doesn't stop there. Next the the unsuspectings have to listen to us sing. Have you ever been in a room where your ears tried to close themselves? Or make themselves go deaf? I'm not kidding. My ears tried. So hard. And I'm one of the singers.
So back to the 'Christmas delights'. It started with the three of us who were assigned the ordeal of Chutney sandwiches followed by a quick, 'Do any of you know how to cook??' No, none of us can cook. So I say, 'Chocolate Fudge!' thinking how difficult can that be. So it's decided and we decided on a day to make it. Then one of the three can't make it, so the two of the three decide to get on with it.
Only, when one of the two of the three [Me, that is] is in the supermarket, her eye happens to fall upon Ready Make Cake Mix!! How cool is that?? Three boxes are excitedly picked up and a hurried phone call to inform the change of menu.

They're getting bakery biscuits from Mr. Baker opposite my house which we're going to pass off as home made.

Three unopened boxes of Instant cake mix anyone?

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