Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sit back, and relax.

Breathe in deeply, the scent of a vapid night, a clueless boy and shaving cream.

Shaving cream?!

Yeah, the boy is 12. Wants to be 40. Like dad. Y'know how it goes. He's too scared to use a razor, so he toothbrushes away his negative goatee. Never seen a finer shave, if I say so myself.

Aftershave. He loves it.

Read comics till eyes go droopy. Revel in the stories of heroes.

Just like dad.

Today, he turned the steering wheel at the corner, near the market where they sell juice in unmarked bottles that make his nose feel funny. Maybe tomorrow, dad'll let him push the gas pedal too. But that's tomorrow.

Today, he'll dream.


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