Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The hardest thing I've had to learn

To be hard.


Laura Castelino said...

face it, you're a softie :)

± said...

you've not yet learnt it but i'll hand it to you, you do give it a mighty and fair shot :P

what you project is a function of what you pretend. all stems from what you want others to see you as. but dont insult the common mans intelligence. malice is concealable, goodness is not. Herein lies the genesis of the phrase ‘being taken for a ride’.
no matter what you want, you cannot change your DNA.

As agony aunt says, face it.

Anonymous said...

My my, you seem to be attracting some weirdos to your blog. WTF is this kapur even talking about?


± said...

bison - the owner of the blog knows what i'm talking about.
as for others, nevermind...

Anonymous said...

You mean citrus is into metaphysical math, visual botany, trait peekaboo, horse racing and gentic mods?

