Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Letter, The Last

Maybe one day I'll tell you my secret. My story. That you already know. My secret you probably know that as well. You just don't know that it's a secret. Maybe one day you'll know. I won't have to explain to you the why and the who and the how. Like you told me once. It doesn't matter. Will sanctity and faithfulness make sense to you? I can understand anything and I can draw lines. I learned to draw lines. Yeah. By myself. Will you ever know that it's you that I'm talking to? And that I can't remember the last time I felt this way about sombody? And you will guess that it's you and the assumption will be correct but you'll never know for sure. Because I'll never tell you.
I'll never tell you that my biggest fear is not so much that you won't love me, I suppose I could handle that, but what if,once you do I'll stop to love you back. So afraid.
You could be anyone.

1 comment:

Citrus said...

Hey you,
You've been away forever and yes I noticed. That post about Grandparents it's old. I just never published it until now.


Oh and some of your UK story :) I think I remember the telling of it!