Sunday, November 27, 2005

My body's finally gone onto auto pilot. That and I suddenly feel like I've grown older in the last two weeks. I suppose, a good thing a month and a week and a few days shy of my twenty fourth birthday. It was bound to happen sometime. Went out dancing last night. Good fun. I came in a tiny bit late to work today [I'm never late]. 'Je suis desolee', I said. 'Je suis en retard'. 'Oh don't worry about it', said my manager. Isn't he lovely ? :)
And also I think I might be able to leave earlier today. Lovlier!
Oh and I hate the malls here.They're too big and painful.


1 comment:

Citrus said...

I work for a financial investment company. IXIS.
And the boss :D He holds a Swiss passport and speaks French if that means anything.