Thursday, July 07, 2005

I read some of and it reminded me of so many things. What she says is true. Each of us we have a story, a couple of stories. We’re always on our guard. Always extra careful.

We shouldn’t have to be.

And the worst is the excuses. The disbelief that it’s happening. You think wrong. It’s some sort of accident. Fucker. Of course it’s not accidental. And then there’s the disbelief, it changes to embarrassment and then indignation.

If only I could have been then what I am now.

And things like this make me proud of people like Kat, people who stand up for themselves.

This is one of her stories.
She was walking down Brigade Road one day [not in the best of moods]. She was being extra careful because she knows how the fellows are over there and she was making a conscious effort to keep out of people’s way. There was this one, she noticed him, but she didn’t even imagine that he’d make a move towards her, he was just too far away. But he did. He banged into her. That did it. She caught him by his collar and screamed at him. She told him to apologize. He pretended as if he couldn’t speak. ‘Mphh mmmm’ he said. She said that she didn’t care whether he could speak or not. If he didn’t apologize, she would drag him to the nearest police station. [And she would have] He apologized.

Sure it also became food for humour, but I was so proud of her that day.

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