Wednesday, June 22, 2005

He wasn’t afraid or even bashful when it came to talking about things like nudity and lust. But for his sake, I would tell him to hush or to speak softer at least. Nothing he said was anything but natural. But everyone is not wont to see it that way. And these things tend to be considered vulgar and in bad taste [and sometimes they are (purely situational)]But he didn’t think that way. He would say things that people only think about , but never say out loud. I couldn’t quite manage not to smile, but I would yell at him and say, ‘ There’s a reason why no one says it out loud!’ What can I say. We live in a conservative world.

[Edited content] we don’t want this to seem vulgar or in bad taste.

This is where I disagree with the ‘he’ in question. Instead of making room in his mind for the conservative mindset that our culture has adopted, he scorns it. He feels that a half dressed person should be free to walk on the road [ I agree with this *] and not have anyone stare at them. [Which would be nice, but too high I think, an expectation]
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to do what you want. Just don’t expect everyone else to feel the same way about it too.

* in the interest of freedom of expression.

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