Monday, April 25, 2005

i used to make fun of disco chicks.
guess who has to be the disco chick now? *gag*

talk about irony coming back to bite you in the butt.


firacub said...

hmmmm.... Erratic thought process at its best potential.... Cool

Keep it going girl


themadamefiles said...

LOL! I hear you girl! I should have kept all those crazy clothes from 15 years ago!

Laura Castelino said...

you are talking about being all dolled up with the the hair and make up & hand bag for the job interviews right?

ps- never banned de.vile, pretty sure that's saby

De.vile said...

well well didnt we jus find the cheapest annonymous in town who advertises on a personal blog.

Bows down.
Let more of u descend on this money craving world!