Monday, March 07, 2005

bombay-part 4

this one's for you de.vile :)

bombay- finally :)
we reached .. but we didn't sleep. our stay mostly consisted of going out dancing and going out dancing again. we danced and danced until my feet hurt so bad i couldn't dance kinky chinky friend sema can dance till morning [if we allowed her that is]. marlene a few hours less. we went out dancing until marlene got sick. we wouldn't go out and leave her alone. so we stayed at home and played scrabble or coloured. we still did the usual. carter road and hill road and linking road and causeway. lunch at leopold square and gaylord cafe.dinner at crepe station and coffee at mocha and coffee day.
and a good thing it was that we stopped going out as much. because security where we were staying decided to get their knickers in a twist about who and what we were doing there. questioning and questioning. i suppose the short skirts and late nights must have set the colony gossipping.
[note: in our little world there is no none of your business and doesn't concern you. everybody's business is everyone elses. keeps our world in check i suppose]
marlene was miserable. traces of typhoid [or something like that] we later found out. so we left bombay one day earlier than planned. we didn't go to goa as i had originally planned.we're back. marlene still sick. me.. i'm not sick.
there's more. but i won't write it because this story grows tedious and i was never any good at endings i wish i was.


firacub said...

cool trip I believe.... Too much fun eh.. lol.

Sorry to hear abt ur friend. I wish she gets well soon. On the positive side, typhoid will knock of the undesired fat ;)

Waitin for the pics :)))


De.vile said...

theres no happy ending when u come to b'bay. partin from bombays always sad. i should know, cuz i still cant :) hope marlenes well now. typhoid is a hell lot of trouble :P

De.vile said...

theres no happy ending when u come to b'bay. partin from bombays always sad. i should know, cuz i still cant :) hope marlenes well now. typhoid is a hell lot of trouble :P

De.vile said...

theres no happy ending when u come to b'bay. partin from bombays always sad. i should know, cuz i still cant :) hope marlenes well now. typhoid is a hell lot of trouble :P

De.vile said...

theres no happy ending when u come to b'bay. partin from bombays always sad. i should know, cuz i still cant :) hope marlenes well now. typhoid is a hell lot of trouble :P

Dewdrop said...

A city so pulsating and so vibrant how could you guys not rock. Oh I wish Marlene a speedy recovery

Jim said...

i just love bandra
particularly chapel road

the middle class area
where guys here are always feasting

they just live for today
like the anglos in colaba

Dewdrop said...

yes saby, bandra is the modern heart of mumbai:)