Sunday, March 06, 2005

bombay-part 1[leaving home]

leaving bangalore- the setting- hyperventillating parents [both marlene's and mine]
my house- HURRRRYYY UP!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE??!! [ and other assorted hyperventillating sounds]
me- enjoying my bath. i do like my water hot :).. not nearly packed.
marlene's house- WHERE IS YOUR FRIEND??!!! TELL HER TO HURRRY UP!! no no don't wear that?! you'll attract too much attention. no .. don't wear that either, just two girls travelling alone on the train absolutely not. ok,you can wear that [loose tracks and a tee shirt].. WHERE'S YOUR FRIEND??!!

so we leave finally [my father sweetly throwing required things into my suitcase and finishing my packin :)(love you dadda)]
marlene's mom comes to pick my up to take us to cantonnment.
we reached early.
guess how late the train was? 1 1/2 hrs *rolls eyes up*

observation-parents think HYPERventillate is a cool word.


firacub said...

awww now come on... that aint too late to crib abt. Last time I travelled with muh dad, our train(read Rajdhani Exp) was runnig 5 hours late. Duhhhh...

Had sore butts after sittin on those iron bences.. ouch ouch


Laura Castelino said...

point to note: you're always late for everything...including meals :)

Jim said...

Will some one please tell me
why agony aunt dont look in my direction?

the last time
she looked

the look said 'worm', 'creep' !

Citrus said...

@saby- aa never, never said anything nasty to you. that was me :D