Wednesday, January 12, 2005

.. so the latest unscheduled trip..gokarna :) have convinced the father [ my father's nice- if he cannot come up with a reasonable excuse as to why i cannot go, he lets me.. my mother on the other hand is less rational.. women...*shakes head in resignation*].. if work says ok i'm leaving thursday night.


Anonymous said...

You're hot!

Saturday Night Takeout said...

Here's a Gokarna veteran's advice- If a seedy looking elderly man comes up to you and starts muttering "acidtripacidtripacidtr...", run like hell.

Ps- Yup, women... [shakes head right back]

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're going to Gokarna without us! No fair. :-( Have a fun trip anyway, you brat!

Citrus said...

@snt piece of information recorded and stored
@chin so far all i have is plans, haven't heard from work yet.. they invariably make a fuss god knows why and my tickets haven't been booked yet *pulls hair in anticipated frustration* oh and this is the plan.. go to mangalore first and THEN gokarna... and hmm *glare* if i'm not mistaken yes we were supposed to make a girly trip but law and you just happen to have different agendas sooo...i'm just going to to with the boys :)