Friday, January 07, 2005

23 isn't that a pretty number ? *big smile*


Laura Castelino said...

Happy Birthday to yoooooou! (sings aunt in craked up voice) God i can't believe you so old!!:p
ps- thanks for waking me up to wish you and scrape all the cake off the floor (please work on that aim...would help if you kept eyes open!:D)

Laura Castelino said...


Saturday Night Takeout said...

Aw shucks, and I wasn't even invited? Damn.

Thissa will be not forgotten, keemo-sabe. Like the rising sun will batter the broken sky, so will the fury of Chief CockandBull be the vengeance that destroys the peaceful night. Issa be good, Issa be bad, Issa be a case of really bad English.

Ahem. [and other throat clearing voices].
Happy birthday citrus.

Citrus said...

;)*cheeky smile* ... yes i always have to post my comments or posts in someone elses name by mistake!

Citrus said...

@laura- thank you for cleaning the lemon cheese cake [ anybody ever heard of lemon cheese cake??] off the floor. *smile* i will concede in this instance that i have very bad aim
@snt-thank you,lol you could have had the cake if you wanted it was quite terrible, only my mom liked it, she ate the whole thing :) coming soon
@kamal-thank you and no, i don't have wrinkles.. you have wrinkles!