Friday, December 10, 2004's funny how M promptly threatens to break any boys' legs if they seem inclined to show the slighest interest in me[romantically]...and sometimes even if i presume to believe they don't.... :) it's nice to have a protective elder non brother around, considering i don't have a brother to be protective of me..although i do have a couple of elder sisters one of whom can be mean assed if required :D and i suppose they'd do just as well as an elder brother..although i'm sure they wouldn't go around threatening to break legs lol


Prashanth said...

I can break legs too ... so long as it's not someone with Paul's physique.

And what do you mean you don't have an elder brother? Huh?

Citrus said...

i do now =D . yay! still getting used to it

Georgio said...

they did not believe his death was accidental - his life might have been, but the end was deliberate. they say it was the blow to the leg that killed him instantly. some say it was all about a girl he fancied.

Citrus said...

lol =D