Friday, September 03, 2004

i walked today. an unlikely event.not that i'm opposed to walking.i just dont walk much ..* huff puff* *pant pant*.. i contemplated taking an auto home..but i told myself 'be strong' i resisted temptation *pat on the back* and started to walk back *huff puff* *pant pant pant* it looked like fate had other ideas..and conveniently placed the offer of a ride in my path..mostly in the form of..whats his name??..joshua..yeah josuha. i declined 'so there fate' and precariously continued on my way home...about a hunded yards or so later, this car slows down and says jump in[the desouza mother if you're wondering who]. so i say to hell with walking and sit down. *relief..sigh*...we very nearly reach home when she decides that just then would be a fun time to eulogise on the merits of the catholic church... shoot me!...if only she knew i don't go to like i will henceforth say...'every ride has it's price'
good luck and god bless all you riders :D out there

1 comment:

Laura Castelino said...

when did that happen?
Don't be too hard on A. D'suza, she's just trying to save the few remaining mangaloreans sinners (like yourself heehee) in the world from a fate worse than death.