Saturday, October 18, 2008

Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 4:44 PM

Pi, I'm afraid that we'll end up end up having conversations that go

Me- ha!
You- hoo
Me- mother boo

Or something.

…oh well, life's like that.

Catch you around.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Going Nowhere

Ladies & Gentles,

We've been waiting a long time to make this announcement :)

Lounge Piranha's debut album Going Nowhere will release on Oct 12th with a show at the Alliance Francaise!

Following this, the band will hop on their own little bus for a two week road tour of India to promote the album! The tour will include Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Pilani, Delhi, and Manipal. The entire effort has taken months of planning and we hope our fans & supporters from Bangalore and around the country will help us make it a big success. Do visit for schedules and details and help us spread the word. During the tour our blog will continue to be regularly updated so do come by and see how it progresses...

What: 'Going Nowhere' album launch show
Where: Alliance Francaise, Bangalore
When: Sunday, 12th Oct, 7.30pm
How: 99 bucks
And: Album and merchandise will be on sale

and please not forget... for one cup sykosis for one spoon noise