Friday, March 07, 2008

Deep in the human unconsciousness is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.
-from 'The Sayings of Muad'Dib' by the Princess Irulan

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lounge Piranha

Brendan Fraser was feeling awkward. The three men seated across the table were not amused. "So where exactly were you?", they wanted to know. "Look I had a rough year - it happens to the best of us no? And I just needed to disappear completely..", he stammered. "You have responsibilities here which you neglected, projects left half finished", they countered. "I know I know but I'm back now and I'll take care of it", he tried. "Take care of it?", asked one of the men leaning forward and taking off his sun glasses, "How do you plan to take care of it?". "Look I saw the mountains and I saw the sea, I saw the forests and I felt the glory. I thought about it and I know what I need to do now. Can I have the part?". There was a moment of silence. "You were good in part one, but too expensive for part two, if we cast you in part three how do we know whether you'll be around for part four?", they asked him. "I give you my word. As simple as that. Scouts honour. How's that?" The three men looked at each other and nodded.

So anyway, George is back from the jungle.

Lounge Piranha is alive at Maya.

Sunday, 9th March, 2008, 9pm onwards

Hundred and fifty bucks entry.

and please not forget... for one cup sykosis for one spoon noise

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My mother told me that anger begets anger
And that I should be kind.
