Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Books that are still at home in India that I never got a chance to read:

-White Moghuls
-The Book Seller of Kabul
-The Laws of Manu
-The Chronicles of Narnia

Books I mean to read:

The Asian Saga-James Clavell
-King Rat
-Noble House

14:30 hrs-15.00hrs U.A.E. time

Cracks me up. Everytime.
I don't want to be more than what I am.
I just want to be paid more.

I also hate

[I'm getting better at this]

-tight clothes
-the smell of stale cigarette smoke

Monday, January 30, 2006

I love my office

Guess what I did for fun today.
I watched That 70's Show and now I'm going home.

Later everyone,


PS: I also learned to do the side link thing by myself. No shit uh?
- Wish i was like that again - this world is so unrequired.

Everything bores me right now.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Takes me a bit of a while to get used to new things, new people sometimes. And sometimes I just don't.
Maybe I'll end up keeping you.
Then again, maybe I won't.
Spread myself thin. I don't do that.
I have trouble letting go of things past. But then, doesn't everybody?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Book of Esther

-use the position God has put you in to do good
-don't mess with the Jews

I hate

-polka dots

I think that's about it. I suck at this.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

If you're not looking for it you won't see it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm so scared for her. God , please let her be okay.
Don't give me a reason to be insecure and I won't be and if I am anyway; bloody well make me feel secure.

The End.
And a man would have reacted like a man. Not the way he did. Not at all. Anger is no excuse.
I wish I had more to say to you. I really do.
And my straight laced ass for some reason doesn't frown upon you.
On some [primal] level it's who we are.
The decision should be easy to make. So make it and live with yourself.


Monday, January 23, 2006

I think everyone would

Not me.
I'm not stupid you know, although I am going a bit blind.

I wanted to tell you...

Don't go away. Don't go off to America. Stay. I'll come back too. I don't want our family to see each other only on holidays. I want weekends too. I want the babies to know their cousins and I want the sisters to hang out and grow older together.
So; don't go.

A bit of an extract

9th January 2006

When will I learn. Quiet. Don't speak. To keep all these things to myself. To want less. And I ask myself. What's so wrong about wanting. It's only people that I've ever wanted. And I want to be around these and I want beautiful things for them. What's so wrong about that?
Be still. No more talking.

New cool phrases

-something and all
-who and all
-gat it
-what aa?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Who's yer Mamma

Much Love, The Grumble Puss one [I'd rather be Cranky Pants than Grumble Puss. Joe start grumbling more, then we can swap]

PS: Am going saving this for when the baby's older. [anticipation]

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Everyone, be still.

You know what? I think I'm the one that's messed up.

Roly Poly

I realised. I haven't become fat; my hips have just widened. A figure, finally! I've been waiting ages for one of those.
I scare myself sometimes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I don't see how anything can look bad on my toothpick figure. Thank God for toothpick figures.

That's Kamal

I think he's doing okay.

That's me. These days I look just like Joe.

My Ex- Toothpick now Fattybum Sister. Isn't she pretty?

They were, each of them given a gift. I could see it so clearly for a moment and then it went, but the memory of it stayed.

The eldest, she was given the gift of knowledge.
The middle, wisdom.
And I wondered what my gift was.. for some reason it eluded me. Maybe it's understanding.


-The photographs I picked out and insisted on putting up. They're exactly the way I left them. This makes me smile. [and sweetly]
-I hate that it isn't my head that's in the wedding family picture. How stupid I was to leave. Guess it only goes to show. I never planned to stay. I'm somewhat glad I did though.
-There's a baby in there! [I should be less mush like]
-Somethings have a way of not changing. Good.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Instinctively jealously possessive. Me?
No. Perhaps sometimes, very rarely and only to the slightest degree.

Listen, listen and you will learn

There are two sides to most things. Remember. I tell you.

Monday, January 16, 2006

This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face.
Selah (Psalms 25:4-5 NKJV)
The real question isn't darlings, 'what's cooking?' rather, 'who's cooking?' and the answer is I am!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

24 doesn't seem as bad a number today as it did yesterday.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Note to self

Don't ever voluntarily watch another Jennifer Lopez movie.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

She smiled. Does that mean she knew?
Round here
We always stand up straight
Round here
Something radiates

Round here, performed by: Counting Crows

See the importance of reading your Bible?

Ask and it shall be given unto you
Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
He should have asked. I would have told him.
He didn't ask and so I didn't tell him.

Happy New Year Everyone

They [just Law actually] say that what you do on the first day of the year you end up doing for the rest of the year. I laughed and ate and slept and shopped.
About covered the essentials, I think.

I wish...

This is rather an odd wish but last night I wished I had someone to wash my hair.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I love the city. Evolving it maybe and trying hard to hold on to the old city identity, mostly failing but you can see it sometimes in the cracks and between the malls – or when you go to Koshys for an awesome breakfast and dishwater coffee, when you go to the dosa places or the old book stores, when you shop on commercial street or visit an old church, or meet an elderly Wing Commander who goes on and on about how things used to be :D .

Courtesy: http://harriedconscience.blogspot.com/

Monday, January 02, 2006

I fell in love again

Walking through the forest
X marks the spot
A line
A dot
A Big question mark
Two black spiders crawling up your back
A pinch
A squeeze
A tropical breeze
An egg to top it all off!

[For Jedediah Malachi. I won't forget you.]